In the process of migrating blogs, my updates to my senior project have to be individually imported. I’m transferring the ones from this quarter – Senior Studio I – but I’m leaving the ones from Concept Development, the pre-production phase of the film. If you’d like to go back and peruse those entries, visit the lil’ old Wix page here.
An intro to Kafkaesque:
Kafkaesque is the short film my team and I are creating for Senior Studio. Kafkaesque is inspired by Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, which I read (or, to be more specific, listened to the audiobook of) when I was 18. For me, The Metamorphosis evokes a feeling of mundane misery and alienation from the self that parallels my own struggles with my mental health. Since I first conceived of the short in November 2022, it has morphed considerably and become an extensive team effort. The Kafkaesque team now includes Yeona Choi, Cailin Campbell, and Ryan Farquharson, as well as a few others brought in for specific technical work.
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