Since I’ve been at the day job since last class, I haven’t had much time for this project. I’ve been working on Quentin’s size. Since our original plan for him to be about 5’8″ made him feel much too large, I’ve been experimenting with some different sizes. I calculated his size in the fluid sim that Cailin did, and realized that that sim has him about 2’8″ tall, which is somewhat less than ideal. Having him about 3’10” matches our color script the best for most shots, but others make this size look too large. It will be necessary to go back and double-check all major assets for proportions.

I also went back to fine-tune some camera angles and framing. They are now closer to the ones in the color script, though they are not the exact same. The current camera angles are somewhat approximate – it’s still open to be changed in small ways (accommodating action better through framing or small movements, updates after Quentin’s size is committed to when we get the rig, etc).

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