
  • Kafkaesque: Class 18

    Vellum sims are completed. Lighting for the rooftop is good, though the smoke has not yet been added.

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 16

    The last two days, I’ve been working on the softbody sims. Here’s where they are in their current states: Here are my current concerns: Out of bed: his legs poke through the blanket as he rolls. I patched this problem up by deleting the geometry of the offending feet and setting a switch node to […]

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 15

    Oh boy, a new video delivery! The textures are looking much better — I know there’s some tweaks to be made and a few missing. I haven’t gotten around to getting the CHOPs working on the subway handles and there’s still a couple secondary props that need to be made (and textured). I think that […]

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 14

    It’s been a minute! I was working two jobs for a while, then I was in Las Vegas for an obligation-vacation. I worked on updates to the falling-out-of-bed vellum softbody sim yesterday. I was working on adding the blanket and getting the behavior to work with the blanket, which was difficult because the blanket crushes […]

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 10

    New edit for Kafkaesque. Since last class, I have discovered that my graphics card (5 or 6 years old, so basically the cryptkeeper for a GPU that wasn’t especially high-end when I bought it) can’t run Redshift, which means I will be working on Monty Machines for the next 5 weeks. Yeona and Jori have […]

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 9

    Almost midterm already! We’ve finally got the rig from Josie. Unfortunately, I did not anticipate the issue of there being no way to import rigs built in Maya into Houdini. I always expect them to have more compatibility than they do and it lets me down every time. It just added another step to the […]

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  • Kafkaesque: Class 6

    Since I’ve been at the day job since last class, I haven’t had much time for this project. I’ve been working on Quentin’s size. Since our original plan for him to be about 5’8″ made him feel much too large, I’ve been experimenting with some different sizes. I calculated his size in the fluid sim […]

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  • Candle Melt

    This is an experiment with both pyro and FLIP viscous fluids in Houdini. This is a project that I desperately need to go back and mess with until I get it to a more satisfactory point.

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  • Nike of Samothrace Destruction

    This project is an RBD destruction with a custom voronoi fracture based on a volume-painted size attribute. The statue model was downloaded from CGTrader. This project was created in Houdini (with Substance Painter for the texture) and rendered in Mantra.

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  • Fish Bicycle

    Ever since I was a kid, my mom had a button on her bike pannier that said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” This piece is for her. This piece was created in Houdini and rendered with Mantra. The wood texture is not my own, though I have since lost […]

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